Doctor Who: The Companion Chronicles – The Selachian Gambit


The Doctor doesn’t normally need money, but when the TARDIS is immobilised and a fine has to be paid, a loan from a bank in the sky seems the solution to his problem.

But then the Selachians arrive, and the Doctor and his companions find themselves as hostages in the middle of a heist.

Death seems an absolute certainty. But the Doctor, Jamie, Polly and Ben have outwitted death before…

Written By: Steve Lyons
Directed By: Lisa Bowerman


Frazer Hines (Jamie McCrimmon), Anneke Wills (Polly Wright)

Producer David Richardson
Script Editor Jacqueline Rayner
Executive Producers Jason Haigh-Ellery and Nicholas Briggs

Signed by Anneke Wills.

Released February 2012

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