Doctor Who set visit

Anneke paid a visit to the Doctor Who studios in Cardiff recently and met with the cast and crew. Peter Capaldi was incredibly welcoming and gave Anneke a tour of the TARDIS during his lunch break. With thanks to all at Doctor Who especially Edward Russell for organising the visit.  

The Power of the Daleks coming soon!

Well! I’m thrilled to hear that The Power of the Daleks is being released as an animated story later this year. Such happy memories of Pat and Mike on our first story as the new TARDIS team. And what a terrific cast we had, Bernard Archard, Peter Bathurst, Robert James… and directed by dear Chris Barry. I look forward…

I can’t believe it was 50 years ago!

Mike Craze and me just back from a brilliant location shoot for one of our very favourite stories “The Smugglers” in Cornwall. And only a few weeks from that massive moment in Doctor Who’s history – Bill Hartnell’s departure. The first regeneration! And how could we have known that it would still be of interest…